The Exploits of Sherlock Holmes
"The Exploits of Sherlock Holmes" is a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, as well as some co-authored by John Dickson Carr. This collection features some of Holmes' most intriguing cases, including:
"The Adventure of The Seven Clocks"
"The Adventure of The Gold Hunter"
"The Adventure of The Wax Gamblers"
"The Adventure of The Highgate Miracle"
"The Adventure of The Black Baronet"
"The Adventure of The Sealed Room"
"The Adventure of Foulkes Rath"
"The Adventure of The Abbas Ruby"
"The Adventure of The Dark Angels"
"The Adventure of The Two Women"
"The Adventure of The Deptford Horror"
"The Adventure of The Red Widow"
These stories, like many others in the Sherlock Holmes canon, showcase Holmes' brilliant deductive reasoning and keen observation skills as he solves complex mysteries. They continue to captivate readers with their intriguing plots, vivid characters, and the timeless appeal of the world's most famous detective.
"The Exploits of Sherlock Holmes" is a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, as well as some co-authored by John Dickson Carr. This collection features some of Holmes' most intriguing cases, including:
"The Adventure of The Seven Clocks"
"The Adventure of The Gold Hunter"
"The Adventure of The Wax Gamblers"
"The Adventure of The Highgate Miracle"
"The Adventure of The Black Baronet"
"The Adventure of The Sealed Room"
"The Adventure of Foulkes Rath"
"The Adventure of The Abbas Ruby"
"The Adventure of The Dark Angels"
"The Adventure of The Two Women"
"The Adventure of The Deptford Horror"
"The Adventure of The Red Widow"
These stories, like many others in the Sherlock Holmes canon, showcase Holmes' brilliant deductive reasoning and keen observation skills as he solves complex mysteries. They continue to captivate readers with their intriguing plots, vivid characters, and the timeless appeal of the world's most famous detective.
"The Exploits of Sherlock Holmes" is a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, as well as some co-authored by John Dickson Carr. This collection features some of Holmes' most intriguing cases, including:
"The Adventure of The Seven Clocks"
"The Adventure of The Gold Hunter"
"The Adventure of The Wax Gamblers"
"The Adventure of The Highgate Miracle"
"The Adventure of The Black Baronet"
"The Adventure of The Sealed Room"
"The Adventure of Foulkes Rath"
"The Adventure of The Abbas Ruby"
"The Adventure of The Dark Angels"
"The Adventure of The Two Women"
"The Adventure of The Deptford Horror"
"The Adventure of The Red Widow"
These stories, like many others in the Sherlock Holmes canon, showcase Holmes' brilliant deductive reasoning and keen observation skills as he solves complex mysteries. They continue to captivate readers with their intriguing plots, vivid characters, and the timeless appeal of the world's most famous detective.
Author: Adrian Conan Doyle and John Dickson Carr
In House Collection: 1 of 1
Condition: VG
Condition Additional Notes: Slight wear on the spin of the book
Book Cover Material: Hardback
Publisher: Random House, New York
Publication Date: 1952
Age: 1954
Edition: 3rd Printing
Language: English