Chance; A Tale in Two Parts
"Chance" is a novel written by Joseph Conrad, first published in 1913. The story revolves around a young man named Charles Marlow who becomes involved with a mysterious woman named Flora de Barral. The novel explores themes of identity, chance, fate, and the impact of past experiences on present actions.
At its core, "Chance" delves into the complexities of human relationships and the unpredictable nature of life. Marlow, the protagonist, narrates the tale and becomes entangled in Flora's life as he tries to help her navigate the challenges she faces. The novel delves into themes of betrayal, redemption, and the search for meaning in a world where chance seems to dictate much of what happens. Overall, it's a nuanced exploration of the human condition and the role that chance plays in shaping our lives.
"Chance" is a novel written by Joseph Conrad, first published in 1913. The story revolves around a young man named Charles Marlow who becomes involved with a mysterious woman named Flora de Barral. The novel explores themes of identity, chance, fate, and the impact of past experiences on present actions.
At its core, "Chance" delves into the complexities of human relationships and the unpredictable nature of life. Marlow, the protagonist, narrates the tale and becomes entangled in Flora's life as he tries to help her navigate the challenges she faces. The novel delves into themes of betrayal, redemption, and the search for meaning in a world where chance seems to dictate much of what happens. Overall, it's a nuanced exploration of the human condition and the role that chance plays in shaping our lives.
"Chance" is a novel written by Joseph Conrad, first published in 1913. The story revolves around a young man named Charles Marlow who becomes involved with a mysterious woman named Flora de Barral. The novel explores themes of identity, chance, fate, and the impact of past experiences on present actions.
At its core, "Chance" delves into the complexities of human relationships and the unpredictable nature of life. Marlow, the protagonist, narrates the tale and becomes entangled in Flora's life as he tries to help her navigate the challenges she faces. The novel delves into themes of betrayal, redemption, and the search for meaning in a world where chance seems to dictate much of what happens. Overall, it's a nuanced exploration of the human condition and the role that chance plays in shaping our lives.
Author: Joseph Conrad
In House Collection: 1 of 4
Condition: Fair
Condition Additional Notes: Noticeable wear on the spine of the book
Book Cover Material: Limp Leather Blue
Publisher: Garden City, New York, Doubleday, Page & Company
Publication Date: 1913
Age: 1926
Language: English