The Arrow of Gold
"The Arrow of Gold" is a novel written by Joseph Conrad, first published in 1919. Set in the early 20th century, it follows the story of a young Englishman named Frank Ricardo, who becomes embroiled in political intrigue and romantic entanglements during his time in Spain.
The novel primarily revolves around Frank's encounters with the enigmatic Doña Rita, a Spanish woman with whom he becomes infatuated. Doña Rita is involved in various clandestine activities, including supporting a secret society seeking to overthrow the established order in Spain.
As Frank becomes more deeply involved with Doña Rita, he finds himself entangled in her world of political conspiracies and personal vendettas. The novel explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, idealism, and disillusionment, as Frank grapples with his own desires and the consequences of his actions in a tumultuous and uncertain political landscape.
"The Arrow of Gold" is renowned for its intricate narrative structure, complex characterizations, and Conrad's vivid portrayal of the turbulent historical backdrop of early 20th-century Europe.
"The Arrow of Gold" is a novel written by Joseph Conrad, first published in 1919. Set in the early 20th century, it follows the story of a young Englishman named Frank Ricardo, who becomes embroiled in political intrigue and romantic entanglements during his time in Spain.
The novel primarily revolves around Frank's encounters with the enigmatic Doña Rita, a Spanish woman with whom he becomes infatuated. Doña Rita is involved in various clandestine activities, including supporting a secret society seeking to overthrow the established order in Spain.
As Frank becomes more deeply involved with Doña Rita, he finds himself entangled in her world of political conspiracies and personal vendettas. The novel explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, idealism, and disillusionment, as Frank grapples with his own desires and the consequences of his actions in a tumultuous and uncertain political landscape.
"The Arrow of Gold" is renowned for its intricate narrative structure, complex characterizations, and Conrad's vivid portrayal of the turbulent historical backdrop of early 20th-century Europe.
"The Arrow of Gold" is a novel written by Joseph Conrad, first published in 1919. Set in the early 20th century, it follows the story of a young Englishman named Frank Ricardo, who becomes embroiled in political intrigue and romantic entanglements during his time in Spain.
The novel primarily revolves around Frank's encounters with the enigmatic Doña Rita, a Spanish woman with whom he becomes infatuated. Doña Rita is involved in various clandestine activities, including supporting a secret society seeking to overthrow the established order in Spain.
As Frank becomes more deeply involved with Doña Rita, he finds himself entangled in her world of political conspiracies and personal vendettas. The novel explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, idealism, and disillusionment, as Frank grapples with his own desires and the consequences of his actions in a tumultuous and uncertain political landscape.
"The Arrow of Gold" is renowned for its intricate narrative structure, complex characterizations, and Conrad's vivid portrayal of the turbulent historical backdrop of early 20th-century Europe.
Author: Joseph Conrad
In House Collection: 4 of 4
Condition: Fair
Condition Additional Notes: Noticeable wear on the spine of the book
Book Cover Material: Limp Leather Blue
Publisher: Garden City, New York, Doubleday, Page & Company
Publication Date: 1919
Age: 1927
Language: English